Active Campaigns
Masjid Sadaqa
Contribute to the Masjid’s running costs
Masjid Capital Fund
Help us maintain the Masjid building.
Fulfil your charity obligations, distributed by our charity partner for 2024 - Seven Spikes Relief Masjid Alhikmah’s fundraising policy is to send 100% of your donated amount directly to our trusted charity partners to carry out the project or deliver to the beneficiaries, as per the details advertised on the fundraising page. If a donor meets the eligibility conditions for gift aid and chooses to tick that box, gift aid will in shaa Allah be claimed, minus payment merchant charges, for use by the Alhikmah Foundation SCIO charity, for general running costs and upkeep of the Masjid Alhikmah and Community Centre.
Gaza Emergency Appeal
Help those suffering in Palestine. Masjid Alhikmah’s fundraising policy is to send 100% of your donated amount directly to our trusted charity partners to carry out the project or deliver to the beneficiaries, as per the details advertised on the fundraising page. If a donor meets the eligibility conditions for gift aid and chooses to tick that box, gift aid will in shaa Allah be claimed, minus payment merchant charges, for use by the Alhikmah Foundation SCIO charity, for general running costs and upkeep of the Masjid Alhikmah and Community Centre.
Other ways to Donate
Small or large, regular or one-off, your donations are essential.
They help us run and expand the centre. They also make sure we can develop the facilities and services we offer, as well as giving relief to those in need around the world.