📅 Masjid Alhikmah Tahajjud Timetable 🌙

Tahajjud Timetable


We are pleased to share the daily Tahajjud timings for the last 10 days. May Allah grant us the ability to reach Laylatul Qadr. Ameen.

✔️ Be a hero and help us raise money for the running costs and earn rewards for the rest of the year Insha’Allah.
🔗 https://campaigns.givebrite.com/masjid-alhikmah

✔️ Tahajjud prayers and suhoor to be provided

✔️ Automate your last 10 night donation
DONATE ➡️ https://mytennights.com/alhikmah-foundation-uk?fbclid=PAAaargTAnomrnsibw4AVcGcQO8wlj1RKRVpBucWamyxmBzf9pPELV1BoVuAc

NOTE: For anyone using Morrison car park, Morrison’s have agreed to rescind all ticket for parking during Taraweeh/Jummah/Tahajjud, please contact the masjid if you face any issues.
JazakAllah Khair
Masjid Alhikmah and Community Centre

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