Asslamalaikum wa rahamatullahai wa barakatu
Eid Mubarrak to all. We trust you are having a good peaceful and enjoyable time with friends and family.
We would like to express our gratitude to all who have attended the Ramadhan and Eid prayers, and generously supported towards the causes that we and external charities appealed for. In all, you have donated over £200,000 this Ramadhan to support your masjid and towards good causes at Alhikmah. That is unprecedented and we pray that Allah SWT accepts every bit of your donation and blesses and increases your wealth and prosperity for you and your families and may your donations benefit you as sadaqa jaryia in the hereafter.
We would like to thank all the volunteers that supported the services provided during Ramadhan. We owe a debt of gratitude to iftar team leaders Salman Jafri and Amna Salman and an energetic team of excellent volunteers that supported the programme.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience or shortcoming in the way we conducted ourselves and would like to assure everyone that we will take the feedback onboard and do better. One area of concern for us is that, sadly, we could not accommodate everyone at 10am Eid prayer and as a result some may have been disappointed. We will be thoroughly reviewing this experience and will not let it be repeated at the next Eid.
Lastly, Alhikmah will be featuring in the ITV documentary, Ramadhan – A journey across Britain, tonight at 10.45 and thereafter available on itvx.
Naveed Qamar
Alhikmah Foundation SCIO